Saturday 4 October 2014

Face of the week

Clique name: “KENNY
Level: 500”Level
Option: Geology
Origin: Ogun State
Date of birth: February 9
Position in the family: 4thborn out of six children
Temperament: Sanguine
Best food: Rice
Hobbies: Cooking, dancing and meeting people.

Crew: going by your name you are a twin
Kenny yeah, I have a twin sister.
Crew: so tell us about Taiye
Kenny:  Taiwo is a very quiet person unlike me. I am the sanguine type and she is melancholy. She rarely mixes with people. Having her as a twin sister is a blessing to me because at times I look up to her. She is very very intelligent and she loves to study a lot. She very studious. She fun to be with though, if you are used to her.
Crew: One thing about twins is that they play a lot of pranks together [all laughs]. Can you share with us some crime, the naughty things you both have done together.
Kenny: [laughs] Ahh! We do a lot of things together. I have this tendency to be troublesome when we were lot younger. So I could  have offended someone and later when the person comes around to take it on me, being that we are both identical; they see Taiwo and they take it on and she’ll be like, ‘it wasn’t me!’ they’ll ask me and I will also deny. Sometimes, I pick Taiwo;s call and pretend to be her. We’ve done a whole of pranks together. 
Crew: Can you tell us about your whole experience in LAUTECH?
Kenny: It has being great. All thanks to God. I am almost done, it’s only a matter of months. I will say Allihamdullilahi. At times thing were rough but all the same it has being a good experience.
Crew: Do you have special moments in LAUTECH all throughout your stay in LAUTECH that you like to talk about.
Kenny: The most memorable moment has to be during my final year project proposal’s presentation. I can never forget that day. I never expected that I could withstand all those pressure. Because I am someone who is very emotional, I am not the type of person who can speak confidently in front of an audience and then defending what I know. I am someone who could easily break down to tears. But yesterday I found out that was talking eloquently; I was able to stand the criticisms and correction on my presentation from the lecturers, although the criticism were all constructive. I mean, I was there for almost 30 minutes. It was wonderful, at first before presenting I was really scared and worried about what I would say and what my lecturers would say after my presentation. I was really impressed with myself after the presentation.  Now I have this self believe that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.
Crew: how was your industrial training?
Kenny: actually I didn’t do it in a cooperate organisation. I had mine with a registered geophysical survey contractor. I was the only one he had as an IT student, so he really had enough time to train me. He had a lot of contract in geophysical surveys, so we went to together for those surveys. It was really an experience. He was not only into geophysical survey, he also does survey on geotechniques

geology, and quite in number fields, so I had ample opportunities to do a lot of surveys in different fields. My work wasn’t an everyday thing, it was only when we had surveys that my boss would call me for work. It gave me time to also learn other vocation that I really have passion and that’s fashion designing; I love it a lot and it really helped me. It has always being my dream to have a big fashion house and also be a fulfilled geologist at the same time, because I’ve always looked up to Folorunsho       Alakija. She has a few oil wells and at the same time she’s a fashion designer. I believe if she can do that then I can do more than her.
Crew: tells about the fashion part of you
Kenny: Ah! Fashion has always being an everyday thing for me. It has always being part of me since my child hood. At home my sibling pick on, saying things like; “ako e ti poju”. I love fashion a lot that why I’ll love to go into it. And how could have forgotten this, I love cooking a lot. In fact that’s my number 1 hobby please. I cook a lot! All kind of dishes like efo riro, that’s the delicacy i love cooking best. I like the fact that when I am cooking people appreciate me for it.
Crew: so what would you say are your hobbies?
Kenny: Hmm… I like to make friends, chatting and yeah! I like reading motivational books. I also love dancing and music generally.
Crew: so what kind of music do you listen too?
Kenny: I am some who is hyperactive, so I like music’s that I can dance to. I like musicians like Olamide and Dbanj.
Crew: What are your dislikes?
Kenny: I don’t like people pretending. I don’t like people not being straight forward or not being themselves, I detest it a lot. I like people being original .
Crew: Best food?
 Kenny: Rice!
Crew: Do you have regrets?
Kenny: That would be by my result in 200 level. It was really an awful performance. I collected my result I couldn’t even call my twin sister at first. It’s something I don’t even like to remember. I always wished if had read better, or read this and that material… it was really bad.
Crew: What advice would you give to the younger generation of geosciences students in department especially those in 100 and 200 level?
Kenny: mixing with the right people is very key, make friends with the right persons. There is no pride in coming to the university and graduating with a poor grade. It is important you graduate with what is worth the amount your parent are paying for. You do have to be studious and with God you do great. You do also have to put God first; be very prayerful. It is important you understand the department you are in.
Crew: What are your plans for life after university?
Kenny: I really looking forward to going back to fashion school again. I want to continue fashion work and hone my skills. And like I said earlier I want to go into fashion designing big time. Then masters. I’ll like to do the two alongside. 
CREW: Thanks a lot for giving us your time
Kenny: You are most welcome.




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