Wednesday 27 August 2014

Why Geosciences II...

Understanding geology can help us lessen or prevent damages to the environment-just as it can be used to find the resources in the first place. Another instance is the problemsi nvolving petroleum illustrate this and that is why oil companies employ geoscientists of varying fields of geology, geophysics, geochemistry etc to discover new oil fields, seeing to the maintenance of the present ones, seeing to enhance its usage to improving science and technology. While the public and government depend on geoscientists to assess the potential environmental impact of petroleum’s removal from the ground.
In Nigeria today, we’ve become the hot cake in the labour market  (if taught to the world’s demanding standard) in that, Nigeria as a country greatly depends on Oil to enrich the country and in this, they need us to put them alright because
“it sucks our profession if the government exports the natural crude overseas to be refined and then import just oil and  the needed natural gas. And i keep asking, where are the heavy oils, and the so-called waste that can be engineered to manufacture and produce economical materials like wax for candle, or  plastic etc.”
---said in a NAPE technical meeting.
Why geosciences? I ask myself-the awesome energy released by an earthquake or volcano etc is a product of forces within the Earth that  moves from a rock, and geoscientifcal studies let us delineate that.  Putting it in another way, “the study of how the Earth  works”—Prof  Charle  C. Plummer.  It is a uinquely human trait to want to understand the world around us. Most of us find or get satisfaction from understanding our culture, human ways of reasoning, family histories, how government works or does not work, some are into music and art which help link our feelings to that which we have discovered through our life. The natural science involve understanding the physical and biological universe in which we live. Most scientists get great satisfaction from their work because, besides gaining greater knowlegde or scaling through ladders of titles or financial increase from what has been dicovered from scientist before them, they can find new truths about the world around them (-ref. From Prof Charles Plummer). For instance, with our basic understanding in geology, you wouldn’t call an oil spillage into your well as a potential oil filed (lols) or profligate resources like watching how water waste from pumping to house-hold tanks or become comfortable with exhaust air pollution because the Lead gas is fascinating to inhale (lols), the list goes on and on.
Geoscience field encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines as stated in the last publication, however, some are financially lucrative; others may be less so but i bet, they are more satisfying and these is a little of the the iceberg-benefit she calls out for us. Few areas of geology like petroleum, mining, hydro, environmental, planetary, marine, health (newly discovered), instrumentation, volcanology, glacialogy, engineering, paleontology, even education whilst geophysics study geology in the physics look of it, digging deeper to interpreting physically measured quantity to enhance precise geology.
Its popularly said that “whatever must bring us benefit or that must benefit us must be cost-effective or better still, must be worked for in it worthful-cost”. If the fileds in geosciences must be of benefit to us, it means we input our work as the cost bids us or that our input of work as it cost us must be well administered, knowledgably (-emphases). Aside the passion and personal self-motivation that should keep gearing individual in the course of five years as most of us enjoy reading, thinking, group working, networking (socialising), researching, experimenting, hiking, climbing, adventures or other outdoor activities, certain sacrifices of time, money, socials, health must be laid down to enjoy her benefits afterwards. It would be  well established for those persons that LAUTECH administration decided their fate, to bring up these required passions and self-motivation, to tap into the benefits studying geology or geophysics brings. Let me say, geosciences has many untapped world of riches, fame, worthfullness, knowledge, experience, titles, etc to offer every individual and no two persons can rock the same benefit or metamorphose the same benefits or can tap all benefit at a go; as it were, it is so numerous that as you tap yours, you leave few for posterity sake.
Beyond the weekly publications that would hence major on the “benefit it brings you”, your personal observation and wit to quickly un-luck for yourself, the untapped world of benefits from geosciences. This would be a personal requirement which cannot be instilled on an individual by another.
Before highlighting certain benefits, lets briefly digress to the work input on the cost-effectiveness that brings the benefit as it were from the four-walls of LAUTECH whilst in Lautech.
“welcome to hell-fire” was one of the famous four words phrase that grew famous; a phrase that would set “ladies” and “gentlemen shaking or STOP (Stop, Think, Observe and Plan); a phrase said on our (my) orientation day and no attendee will make a light of it after (just) three-semesters especially in a great citadel of learning, Earthscience Lautech. However, if you must hunt for the benefit that the  world of geosciences offers you, then one must be sure to ask oneself;
-“ Do I choose to experience burning in the fire or experience a/c-cooling effect in the fire as every admission letter welcomes you to hell-fire....”
-will you choose to be burnt and battered (though alive) after five years or be built and well learned instead.  The second beautiful thing about the benefit geoscience has to offer you is that you can either benefit negetively or positively; negetive because when the fire burns you semester upon semester especially to ashes, except for your Creator’s intervention (-emphases), such fellow wouldnt stand tall among his/her peers in the outside world as he/she desires, which bring about the case were second-class lower guaduate are screened many times in the labour market even though some are of high IQ and intellectual (emphases). However, how beautiful would it be (for a start) to have been built not burnt in the  fire.
So. It requires your early and ultimate S.T.O.P. (ref. Mr Afolabi ); (S) stop for a while; weigh your ability, your work-load, capacity and the cost; build the passion and required qualities; stop to (T) think-get your head and mind working; engage it as required, books wouldnt bite; knowledge adds to you-you get a little beat influenced by  who informs you. (O) observe-observe how things go around here ( not after battered semesters); observe each lecture-classes, lecturers, marking pattern, and how questions are answered for individual lecturers; get the right info about the geosciences-ask around (from good people anyway) and then, (P) plan- plan to pray; plan to strategise, workout a road-map of what you need and want and work it out (also in prayer as perculiar to your religion); and as you continue in the struggle, always re-strategise when stabbed or change formation as you face new semester-match (lols).

Now, after all said and done, examine the few things that the benefits will cost you, then, look at the benefits that geosciences brings to you.
(to be cont.)



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