Wednesday 27 August 2014


CREW: Thanks for giving us your time. Starting with getting to know you. May we meet you?
Michael: My Name is Fabunmi Micheal Akinniyi. I am the first born of my family. 8th October that's my birth date. I was born in the north Jos to be precise; that is where I grew up before I came over here for my University education.  I am an indigene of Ogbomoso, Oyo state. I am currently a 500Level student of geophysics.
CREW: Did you settle for LAUTECH because you are an indigene of Oyo state?
Michael: No! Not all. Well at first I wanted to study Electrical $ electronics Engineering and couple with the insurgence in the North, it gave me a rethink of studying over there. So in my options of Universities I considered for studies were OAU, LAUTECH AND UNILORIN. but then I settled for LAUTECH, however I wasn't given Electrical as I wanted; but I know I wouldn't have survived if I was there. I was admitted into Earth Sciences which was my second choice.
CREW: How has being your experience so far on LAUTECH Campus.
Michael: So far, I would say my experience in LAUTECH has been the good, the bad, and the ugly [laughs], there have being times that it has been all rosy and there are times when it has been really rough and pacy, but I think that's what makes life worth living. There are times you collect your result, and you are like_ What! And there other times when you collect your result and you like_ YES, because you did well. The department is very good, and very interesting, against what is popularly said about the department, that it is very difficult. I have enjoyed every bits of moments I have spent in this department. Although it has being challenging but then it’s being worth it.
CREW: Have you had any embarrassing moment on your stay in LAUTECH.
Michael: It happen one semester when our previous semester’s results was release and then it used to be pasted on the notice board. I got there and what I saw of my result; it was bad, I was really downcast. I was like jeez! is this me. It’s not that it was really bad but it wasn't what I expected. But I lived past it and moved on.
CREW: What has being your motivation even at terrible experiences?
Michael: I am an optimist. I’ve always believed you shouldn't settle for your present situation, there is always room at the top to do better and there are opportunities out there. Secondly, it is not over until it is over. The driving factor has being that despite the fact that others are not doing well, there are still some fellows that are doing well, so if they can then I can. And of course advice from senior friends, friends, colleagues. Get me right, your result is important but it is not as important as what you have upstairs and what you can do in real life situation. Are you just cramming or gaining knowledge? But if you have both; a good result and in-depth understanding of your course, then every door is open.

CREW:  While on Industrial Training, how was the experience like?
Michael: Whoa! I got my IT placement very early, like 9 months before time. I had it in a Chinese company who are into the seismic acquisition and field remote sensing. It was really challenging, I had to learn how to relate with this Chinese people; I mean their English was like Chinese. I had to learn how to say some words in Chinese, like; good morning, it’s time for lunch... I tried my best in living a good impression while I was there because I believe in that a lot. I really gained. It’s one experience I won’t forget. It gave me a good orientation about the outside world. The IT I had gave memore knowledge about seismic, because I like seismic a lot
CREW: If you were in a different department would you have done better?
Michael: Done better? It depends on where you are coming from. I will say yes and no. Yes, if you meant having a better result. But if you mean doing what you love and where your passion lies, No.
CREW: there is a notion that if you’re in Earth sciences as a student, then you are in Hell. What you do think of this.
Michael: Earth Science is not Hell fire. To me it just a notion that while you are in this department, you are going to have very tasking period which would be worth it. It’s related to the condition gold has to pass through. It has to pass through fire for it to become that shining gemstone. Hell fire is just a notion that implies that you’re going to work seriously, you are going to have strenuous period that at the end will be worth it.
CREW: What advice can you give to students on having a balanced life as regards to academics, social life and every aspect?
Michael: Definitely! Because that’s a mistake so many students make. I am someone who is an advocate of living a balanced life. It good to be balanced in your academics and your social life. But don't make one suffer for another. Yeah, the department might take a lot of your time but then you have 24 hours. Learn to meet people, and converse with people of higher level or have more experience, and make sure you read when you are supposed to read, because primary assignment in LAUTECH is your academics. Learn to respect people especially your lecturers; learn to approach them with good manners.
CREW: You know many of us have solemn dream of working in an Oil company. But for you what are you looking forward to in the labour market when you graduate.
Michael: Yeah! You know everyone wants to work in an oil company. It is the truth because they are the high paying company around. But I am not one who is hell bent on working in an Oil company. There are other people doing great outside working in an oil company; some people are making cool cash from ornament knowing fully well that Nigeria is blessed with so many natural resources and minerals. And there are no restriction from the Nigerian government from mining certain ore in Nigeria, so far you are registered with COMEG, NMGS et al. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will advocate for entrepreneurship, being your own master. Running and managing your own business.  As much as I like to work in an Oil company but at least while you are working there, you can gather resources for you to establish your own business.
CREW: How was growing up for you like?
Michael: I’ve lived in three geopolitical zones. The North, the South (I was there during my IT) and here in the west. The way of life in these region is very different. It is being really fun.  The North is very interesting place to live in (JOS where I grew up, really a cold place). It has being like trying to adapt to every situation I find myself, all through from childhood.
CREW: Do you have any special moment all through your life time
Michael: hmmm. I have had a lot of special moments, some of which I can remember and some that I can’t remember right now. My IT will definitely be part of it. Some are those in this department i.e. our field trips, those were really special moments. Another one which is a sad one was when I had a terrible auto accident; I can’t forget that. These are few moments I can remember
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Michael: I have so many hobbies, there are some I don’t even know if I should call them hobbies. I love singing, I love swimming which I learnt during my IT. I used to be water phobic but when I learnt it during my IT and it became a hobby for me. I am a sport person, love playing basketball. I might not be able to play football that well but I love watching football; I love to be the coach right from my seat even though I can do much of what they are playing. So I love singing, dancing, playing basketball and watching football.
CREW: what kind of genre of music do you like? Is it Apala or Fugi [all laughs]
Michael: I am open to any music. However I don't like noisy music. I am big fan of blues and rock with preference to bands like VIVA LA VIDA…
CREW: What is your best color/food?
Michael: Best color, Blue. Best food, hmmm - anything made with Yam. I just fell in love with yam.
CREW: Since your best color is sky blue, could we assume you are Chelsea fan?
Michael: Hell no! I am a Manchester United fan. You know United and Chelsea fans don't like each other.
CREW: Do you a best course that you love so much?
Michael: Yeah. I like AGP 306 a lot (Seismic Refraction). I just like the whole concept of the course, trying to model what's on the subsurface.
CREW: Your Philosophy in life?
Michael: Try to live a positive impact on whoever you meet in life. This what I try to do most of the time. It might just be as little as making the person laugh but just live a positive impact in the person's life.
CREW: It was really nice talking with you. Thanks for giving us your time.
Michael: Oh! You’re welcome.



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