Wednesday 27 August 2014


Never compare what God has for you with… Dr. O.G. BAYOWA

CREW: Sir, can you give us a brief bio about yourself?
HOD: Sure, I am Bayowa Oyelowo Gabriel. I was born in Ekiti; Ekiti west local government of Ekiti state. I spent my childhood days in Ibadan. I attended Methodist primary school 1, Bodija; also proceeded to Mt Olivet grammar school at Bodija. I got my first degree in Applied Geophysics in Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in 1990.and later did my second degree (MSc) in 2004-2007 and PhD 2008-2012, I was awarded outstanding lecturer, 2013… And was promoted to acting Head of Department of Earth Sciences LAUTECH HOD August 1, 2014. I am married and blessed with lovely kids.
CREW: Why geophysics of all courses available to study Sir?
HOD: It is by fate; never compare your desire with what God has in stock for you. Just as man proposes, God disposes… You might be aiming at the tip of a Vulcan, you never can tell if God will take you beyond the sky. Back in my hay days, then with my peers we are used to compete and compare ourselves with one another… I was always with the mindset of studying medicine and made lots of runs for it…. To the glory of God I ended up in Geophysics after series of advices from elders and I have never for once regretted it.
CREW: Why lecturing, instead of other areas of expertise in the field of geosciences? Why not the coveted Oil and Gas?
HOD: The truth is a larger percentage people into geosciences aim the oil industry,” Predestiny is the key factor”.  I wouldn’t because of this encourage being lackadaisical, opportunities might come while struggling for it, but geosciences is quite wide and there are lot more sectors one can specialize; hydrogeology, environmental, solid minerals and so on.
Lecturing to say is what I think I have ordained for and I have never seen it as a mistake… so far, it has been easy as a result of the in-built skills in me and experience gathered after attaining my first degree.
CREW: What are the challenges you have encountered in life that has been most memorable?
HOD: Challenges! Though it’s no mistake for me getting to where I have gotten too, “it has been tough and rough”. Right from teens, I have been living independently with no support, only that I have had to take care i.e. cater for their wellbeing of my sibling even as an undergraduates.  I did it with God being my strength because I believe it’s my life and I have to live it. God has given me the courage to strife through attaining BSc, MSc, and later and most recent PhD.

 Some of the challenges I encountered was that of finances and the struggle to study but God has always been my comforter and do send helpers to me. Towards the end of my master’s degree was quite tough financially, but my supervisor then was the God divine helper HE made available to me then, I thank God for my life.
CREW: How do you combine work with your responsibility as a family man?
First of all, I will appreciate my wife as regards that question of yours; having a good wife is an endowment to a man though it’s rare, you have to pray to God for a good wife as a young bachelor; it goes a long way. Coping with my job, having a family has been God strengthening me, I mean with energy having co-operating wife is a plus.
CREW: Sir, will like you to help with telling us a brief history about these department; Earth Sciences, LAUTECH?
HOD: Though young but graceful department of Earth sciences was established in 2004. Among the members of staff who pioneered it who were from the department of pure and applied physics are Dr. Adabanija M.A., Dr. Akinlabi I.A. Others include Mr Afolabi O.A, and Mr. Kolawole L.L. The department had got accreditation twice in the past and now we are due for it again. The first set of students graduated were nineteen in number in the year 2009 among which are distinguished products like; Adeola Adeleke who owns a geosciences company (petrozenith), Oyeniran Tobi works with Danvic concepts, Ogunyemi Seye who works with Schlumberger and Adewunmi Adeniyi now a lecturer at Achievers’ University and many more.
 CREW: Prospects of the department?
Earth sciences is of high prospects as its rate of achieving is quite interesting compared to other departments in the school despite being young. For me you may not agree with me; but this department is number one especially when we tend to achieve in the nearest future. Very soon you will see the evidence, because we are going to bring a lot of development to this department.
One of which, we have promises from Oil Industries of building standard infrastructures and work stations, and soon materialize. Also new departments in house will soon be established. We also have plans with TEFT to upgrade the standard of this department.  Just keep your fingers crossed
CREW: Your advice to students Sir?
HOD: To students, I will encourage them to be focused, get dedicated , avoid distractions and never let the baton down until you achieve your goal. Be confidence of who you are,  believe in yourself and then there is hope and your future gets bright.



Unknown said...

Hi, am Oluwaseyi Adewole an alumnus of the department (2011), a huge congrat to Dr Bayowa on his appointment as the new HOD, the department will continue to record unwavering success in this tenor and to the NMGS crew, more grease to elbow. I was so happy and proud when I saw this new development(the blogpost).Well done!!!

Anonymous said...

Anytime I remembered that I graduated form this department, I am always happy. Kudos to all and I wish Dr. Bayowa huge success during his tenure.
Adewumi Adeniyi
Pioneer President NMGS
Pioneer President, LAUTECH Earth Sciences Alumni Association

Unknown said...

A great and wonderful department, we Hope for better and lasting Improvement. Am proud to be a student of this great Department.


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