Wednesday 13 August 2014


The much awaited and anticipated NMGS student congress, the first for this section/tenure (2013/1024) was held on the 6th of August, 2014 at the department of Earth Sciences by 12:10pm.
One constant thing in life is change and change has also being recorded in the administration of this department, as we now have a new HOD in person of Dr O.G. Bayowa. Mrs A.O. Adewoye, who some days ago passed the baton as Head of Department to the new HOD opened the floor by giving her farewell speech (which after the opening prayer) which appeared to be a motherly advice to the whole student.

As the meeting progressed, the NMGS advisor Mr O.A. Afolabi came up next to address the congress. His ever captivating and articulate way of speaking took the meeting into a different swing. He suggested that the decision made at the last congress last section wherewith the Mr Christopher was impeached from office be revisited. It was decided that voting be done on whether he be reinstated or not. After voting was done, 35 students voted the affirmative, while 3 voted negative and 37 students stayed neutral. So by the virtue of the votes, the decision to the congress last tenure to impeach Mr Christopher was formally rescinded.    
Mr Taiye Owate who spoke on behalf of the NMGS CEC did address the students. He discussed the plans the CEC have for this tenure and he further apply to this effect that students should pay up their dues.
It was now time for the current HOD of Earth Sciences to give his official address to the whole students. He highlight in his speech the department administration’s ongoing bid for the department’s accreditation which was making good progress. He also advise that students prepare their minds on embarking on field trips immediately after the Harmattan semester examination. The students will also be paying a fee as regards the field trip which would cover their transportation and accommodation.

Dr Bayowa also stressed the importance of 400 Level students taking their IT serious because it is a platform for them to learn and gain experience for their course of study, now that the University administration has change the SIWES programme from a 4 unit course to 6 unit. He concluded by advising the students to take their studies serious and ensure that when reading they read to understand, and as well as ensuring they adhere to simple exam instruction because it is one thing to read for an exam and it yet another to know how to write an exam properly.
The NMGS editorial crew took the floor to unveil the NMGS mini website (blog). The NMGS PRO (Ariyo Oluwafemi) who anchored the segment gave detailed explanation about the blog and how it would be run. The web address is
After further time spent on questions and answer, the meeting was adjourned by the now former President Mr Christopher Ola which was seconded by a 200 



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