Wednesday 20 August 2014


REX: thanks for giving me your time. Can you start up by telling a brief bio about yourself?Ishola: Ok thanks. Well my name is Israel Sola… born in the month of October; from a family of Seven (parents excluded), I’m the sixth born. I opt in to study in LAUTECH for the course geology. I’m glad I am in LAUTECH. Basically I like to make friends; I make sure I meet new people every day, whatever gender and level. Talking goes a long way. I try also to relate with lecturers [laughs]Rex: so why Geology, why not any other course?Sola: Basically, I wanted to study Petroleum engineering. But I didn’t study further Mathematics in my O-Levels. I picked LAUTECH since UNILAG wasn't offering geology then and been that my brother then was schooling here and couple of my cousins; because I’m an indigene of Ogbomoso.Rex: Now that you are a finalist, how has being your journey through LAUTECH so far?Sola: Ahn!  You know [laughs] before you start anything, I believe you have to commit it into God’s hands. While I was about to resume school for 100 Level, I told God what I wanted; that I don’t any cause to retake any course or rewrite any. And thus far God has answered my prayers. I’ll say it’s just being God’s grace all throughRex: Is there any special moment you’ve had in LAUTECH that will forever stay in your memory?Sola: Ah that would be times we went on field trips. My Industrial Training, (I mean LAUTECH gave that platform in that aspect) those are moment I cherish a lot. Because I did internship at two different companies. The first at a Mining Company and at Exxon Mobil.Rex: Talking of IT. How was the experience for you?Sola: It was great, really remarkable. I can‘t forget those times. I spent six months working at the mining company; working with other employees, got opportunities going to some of their mining sites, went several places (Abuja, Niger…) those were wonderful experiences for me. There were times I spent weeks in mining sites, it was so intense. I got to learn a lot, practical things! Mining is great. Then Exxon Mobil was like a dream come true. I wrote their exam last year May before our harmattan semester’s exam. I didn't get any call from them until December. When they called, they were like, ‘Whoa! You did well in our exam and that they would like me to come work with them as an intern. For me it was not just about the internship but for me to have written an exam of such caliber and passed; it’s just psychological! Because about six of my course mates in this department also wrote that same exam with me and I was the only one who got a call from them, it means a lot to me. At Exxon, I learnt, met people with fabulous personality even from different nationality; France, UK… Their staffs were willing to mentor me, the manager would come to my office and take me through things that I needed to know, do and take cognizant of in our field. On week when I was rounding up my internship at Exxon, I gave a power point presentation on The Niger delta before the board; the managers even whites. It was a splendid time for me.Rex: With these experience of yours by the virtue of internship. What would be your advice to the 400 Level that are seeking for internship in their dream company?Sola: What I would simply say is don’t be in a rush i.e.  The pressure that comes with securing placement, just calm down.  What they essentially need is to brush their English, mathematics, general knowledge, basic chemistry and physics… They should also be ready to submit letter and in time, don’t be banking on one of your uncle that will help you. Send application letter to several companies, just keep trying, there is no harm in trying. Rex: What’s your view about the field of geosciences?Sola: I would say the field of geosciences is slim. It is a nice course though, don’t get me wrong but it’s really slim. A manager of Exxon Mobil once told me that He’d never let His child study any Geosciences Course, reason being that it is a really slim field. While I was still at Exxon, the recruiting officer had a task of recruiting eight (8) people. And guess how many applied? 10, 000 people. This 10, 000 are not only Nigerians but also applicants from other countries, you know Exxon Mobil is a multi-international company. The competetion is really stiff. Rex: So what will be your advice to students especially the 100 & 200 Level students in particular?Sola: Basically, my advice will be, Read! [Laughs]. It not just reading but also knowing what you are being taught. You could have the best result but you should have full grabs of what you are taught. Don’t get me wrong, having a good result is good, it’s also a criteria for securing a good job. Read wide and learn to socialise (relating with people), that is why you are in a university, it is universal. You could get booted out of company if you aren’t good in socailising.Rex: On a lighter note now. What are your hobbies?Sola: I love playing football, basketball. Generally, I love sports a lot. I love to read and socialise with people (making friends), I mean that’s like a hobby for me.Rex: Since you love sport especially football. What’s your favourite football club?Sola: Oh! Real MadridRex: Basketball?Sola: I love the Miami Heat. I love Lebron James a lot.Rex: You said you love reading, so if you’re not reading your academic note, what could some find you reading?Sola: Comedy novels. You know you can hardly see me read outside, I read right inside my room. So inside my room, I get to read the Bible a lot.Rex: Best colour and food?Sola: I love white. And as for my best meal that would be ‘Pap, milk and bread’.Rex: You eat them all Together?!Sola: Yeah!Rex: whao! Thanks a lot once for sparing me your time.Sola: You welcome. 



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