Saturday 2 August 2014

Nigeria loses $2Billion yearly to Gas Flaring

                The oil and gas sector is reputed to be major contributor to the Nigeria’s economy but in spite the enormous revenue made from the oil sector; it appears to be a notorious canker worm to the progress of the Nigerian society owing to the diverse problems it presents or dear country.
 ‘Nigeria loses about $2 Billion to gas flaring annually which is an economic crime committed by the oil companies involved in  flaring’  said Mr Nnimmo Bassey, an environmentalist at the National conference on Saturday, 19
th July, 2014.
                  According to the News Agency Nigeria (NAN) explained that the flared gases also had a negative impact on the health of people the area, especially the prevalent of terminal diseases.
in case you might be oblivious of the meaning of what Gas flaring is you could check the write-up on this bulletin about gas flaring.



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