We look into the past for the future

Our environment our passion, our rocks our happiness.

We look into the past for the future

Our environment our passion, our rocks our happiness.

We look into the past for the future

Our environment our passion, our rocks our happiness.

We look into the past for the future

Our environment our passion, our rocks our happiness.

We look into the past for the future

Our environment our passion, our rocks our happiness.

Tuesday 10 March 2015



NMGS - EKO 2015

51st Annual International Conference & Exhibitions Coming Up – March, 2015. Find more details below!

EKO 2015

The 51st Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS) Annual International Conference/Annual General Meeting will be held in Lagos, between 15th – 20th March, 2015 under the sponsorship of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Oil and Mineral Resources Organizations, relevant Federal and State Governments Ministries and Private Sector Agencies as well as other well meaning individuals associated with the profession.
THEME: The Petroleum, Mining and Construction Industries: Current Trends, Prospects and Future Challenges.
The schedule of events is as follows:
 SUNDAY, 15TH MARCH 2015Registration kicks off
 MONDAY, 16TH MARCH 2015Registration continues,
Pre-Conference Panel Discussion
(1st & 2nd Sessions),
Annual General Meeting,
Educative Lecture Series,
League of Fellows Meeting,
Fellows & Institutional Members night.
 TUESDAY, 17TH MARCH 2015Registration continues,
Opening Ceremony
Opening of Exhibitions,
Luncheon talk | Lead paper,
Technical Sessions (Afternoon),
Admissions | Awards night.
 WEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH 2015Registration continues,
Lead Paper, Technical Sessions
(Morning) | Luncheon Talk Lead
Paper | Technical Sessions
(Afternoon) | Spouse Programme.
 THURSDAY, 19th MARCH 2015Lead Paper, Technical Sessions
(Morning) | Luncheon talk,
Lead Paper | Technical Sessions
(Afternoon) | Variety & Closing ceremony.
 FRIDAY, 20th MARCH 2015 Excursions | Departure.



This is to notify the entire students of the Department of Earth Sciences. LAUTECH of the official post of Executive who will be representing the entire students of the department in good conduct and dignity.
  For those with good intentions to battle for this post,we ask that you begin to show your intent and begin to prepare for the coming election.
   Also, the electoral form will be available online shortly after the house have been devolved.
Wish you a happy semester.

 These are the following offices available for contest to all students Earth Sciences, LAUTECH (especially 400 & 300 level respectively) to drive the course of the department for the next academic session.


-Student Representative Council (S.R.C  1)      400 Level

-Student Representative Council  (S.R.C 2)      300 Level

-President                                                           400 Level

 -Vice-President                                                  300 Level

-General Secretary                                             400 Level

-Assistant  General Secretary                            300 Level

-Financial Secretary                                          300 Level

-Public Officer Relation (P.R.O)                      300 Level

-Social Director                                                300 Level

-Sport Director                                                 300 Level

-Welfare Director                                             400 Level

brarian                                                         400 Level


Current Trends